Wood Nissan of Lee's Summit

Buying vs leasing your next Nissan at Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit

Buying vs leasing your next Nissan at Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit

Buying vs. Leasing: What’s the Right Direction for You?

Leasing vs Buying a Car Pros and Cons

If you’re a Missouri driver looking for a little more clarity on the pros and cons of buying vs leasing a new Nissan from Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit, you’ve pulled into the right spot. The first, and most important, thing to understand in the deliberation process is that there is no wrong choice. In short, buying a vehicle means it will become all yours for the long haul. Leasing a vehicle means it is all yours….for a while.

The decision to buy or lease varies from person to person. So, yes, it’s personal. It’s personal in that one individual may choose to buy that new Nissan, knowing it to be a match made in heaven. Others, though, may be more grounded and prefer to keep their options open in anticipation of the next best thing.

To help you decide which avenue to take, buying vs leasing, read on for insight into the pros and cons to both. We also invite you to visit Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit and check out the extensive lineup of Nissans available for lease or purchase. To find us, simply search “Nissan dealers near me.”

Advantages to Leasing a Car

As much as you may love the new Nissan you’re after, for a variety of reasons, you just may not be up for the long-term commitment that comes with ownership. That’s where the decision to lease that Nissan can be the better option.

An auto lease is essentially a long-term rental, typically 2-3 years. At the end of the lease term, you return the vehicle with the option to buy it, lease another vehicle or none of the above.

When deciding to lease vs buy, calculators will give the lower-payment edge to leasing. Plus, we help determine the leasing company with the lowest interest rates. It works like this; rather than paying full price for your new Nissan, lease payments are smaller because you are essentially paying only for the depreciation. Also, with a lease, there are no dealer or title fees, no sales tax and low-to-no cash down.

Another perk to a Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit lease is that you will experience a brand-new Nissan in impeccable condition. When it’s in that kind of condition, chances are good you’ll experience fewer maintenance or repair costs you could be on the hook for.

Before leasing a vehicle, there are a few things to keep in mind. Because you have temporary possession of the vehicle, it will be returned and likely picked up by another driver. Because of that, there will be a reasonable mileage limit and you will not be able to customize the vehicle.

When Buying (Financing) Makes Best Sense

If you’re a Lee’s Summit, Missouri driver more interested in a new Nissan for keeps, buying gives you more freedom to do with it what you wish. At Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit, the friendly professionals in our finance center help get the auto loan wheels in motion for drivers every day.

When you finance your new Nissan, not only are there no mileage limits, but you are also free to customize it as you wish. While slightly higher monthly payments are the norm over leased car payments, once the car loan is paid and you’ve made that final payment, that vehicle is yours free and clear.

Once you own the Nissan outright, it also becomes an investment and gives you more options. Not only is there the equity factor, but down the road, you may decide you would like a newer Nissan or other vehicle. Should that come to be, you are free to sell or trade, pass it on to a family member or, perhaps, even donate it to a favorite charity.

Whether you plan to keep your new Nissan for the duration, sell it for top dollar or pass it on, regular service is the best way for it to remain safe, dependable and retain high value. At the Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit Service Center, our expert technicians go every extra distance to keep vehicles in tip-top shape. Our on-site, state-of-the-art Service Center remains the choice for more Lee’s Summit drivers. Learn a bit more about it and the dealership in general in the last section below.

Whether Buying or Leasing, Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit Rises Above the Competition

For all your automotive needs - from buying and leasing to service and maintenance - follow the lead of the many others who’ve found tremendous value in Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit.

In addition to a large and diverse selection of competitively-priced Nissan cars, trucks and SUVs, we also feature certified pre-owned and other used vehicles. When it’s time for routine maintenance or repair, our Service Center is well-equipped and preferred among more drivers.

Call Wood Nissan of Lee’s Summit today and let us help you with all your needs.